Friday, November 5, 2010

Invasive Procedures - Orson Scott Card

Charitable group of helpers known as "healers" who wear capes and help the needy, turn genetic manipulating cult, in order to create clone of leader...

Look, I can handle pretty much any plot provided it's done well, and this wasn't a total disaster. For me, it kind of fell apart at the "leader returning through the clones" proposal, mainly because it was achieved through biological, earth based means, instead of occurring in space. Then I would have believed it.

I thought it started well, and was a good read until about 8/9ths through. I have a soft spot for Orson for some reason, so can't totally diss the book, and the idea was really fun. I'm going to blame the bad bits were on the part of the collaborative author...

Feel of writing - slightly intelligent movie script (this is not necc. a total negative criticism)
Escapism - yep
Readability - easy, bit too easy.
Plot - see above. All the threads didn't work and come together at the end. This could have been a really sinister book if written by Iaine M Banks or similar.
Again - no.
Remember- yes

SBS Films - The Girl from Monaco

SBS Films - The Girl from Monaco: "A brilliant but neurotic attorney (Fabrice Luchini) goes to Monaco to defend a famous criminal. Instead of focusing on the case though, he falls for a beautiful she-devil (Louise Bourgoin), who turns him into a complete wreck. Hopefully, his zealous bodyguard will step in and put everything back in order... or will he?"

Hmm, bit disappointing, possible very french? the body guard's body is the thing for which to watch out.

Photography - 7/10 - mostly of monaco, the body guard and Audrey. Strangely unattractive when she was being her calous self.
Plot - 5/10 ending had a small turn, film would have been saved by something clever here.
Again - prob not.

SBS Films - You Bet Your Life

SBS Films - You Bet Your Life: "Kurt (Georg Friedrich) is an unemployed gambling addict who lives with his girlfriend, Manu (Gerti Drassl). On a losing streak, Kurt sheds the last of his cash at a card game and tries unsuccessfully to get more from Manu. He then tries to get money from his devout Christian dad. A chance encounter with a woman named Elvira (Claudia Martini) leads to a temporary winning streak at roulette with a seemingly lucky gambling die. Kurt starts using the die to help him make decisions in his life."

WEIRD ending, I've got the flu so it took me a while to get it.
I kept being alternately repulsed and attracted by the lead actor, so he was kind of awesome, perfect for the role.

Photography - 8/10
Feel - 8/10
Story - 6/10 not too original..but a few nice turns.
Again - maybe, middle of the scale.